Glucose 90 (65-99)
Hemoglobin A1c 5.7 (non-diabetic: <6.0)
Now, I realize from these results that I am not a diabetic, but I am getting really too close for comfort! Jerri and her husband had the same test done, and even though they were overweight, their results were lower than mine. They were diagnosed as prediabetic, and I believe I will be diagnosed the same (see sidenote).
Did you know that having birthed a baby over 9 pounds puts you at risk for prediabetes? Our son (3 years old) was over 9 pounds at birth. Craving carbs and eating too many (that's me!) puts you at risk for prediabetes! I am the kind of person who will eat a bag of potato chips over "sweets" any day! I love salty carbs!! You can do a search online and find a complete list of symptoms for prediabetes.
Did you know that "the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimate that 41 million Americans between the ages of 40 to 74 are living with prediabetes, and most remain unaware of their condition. Without intervention and appropriate treatment, people with prediabetes are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes within 10 years."
So beware! You might be prediabetic just like me but be blissfully unaware as you mow down your potato chips and sandwhich! You don't have to be overweight to have this problem. There is such a thing as a skinny diabetic person!! However YOU don't have to become diabetic- talk to your doctor, get a simple blood test, change the way you eat (throw out those high carb foods), and change your future.
Sidenote: I am going to talk again with my doctor on Tuesday next week. I'll see what she says and what she recommends as a plan of action and let you'all know what happens.
Preach it sista' !
My thoughts exactly!!
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