I thought this was the kind of question that everyone would like to see the answer for so I'm making it into a post.
There are no vitamins/essential nutrients that fruit has that cannot be found in vegetables, proteins and fats. So, the bigger issue is just missing eating fruits. If you can't fathom living without any fruit, just look at a carb counter and figure out which ones have the lowest carbs, eat a proper serving size (i.e. half an apple, not a whole one) and eat them infrequently. Blueberries are one I will use in flax seed muffin recipes and it only takes 4-5 per muffin to be quite a treat! Of course, if you don't like veggies, like I don't, be sure to take a good multi-vitamin too.
Other supplements we take? Mostly we take Chromium Picolinate (500 mcg, 2 caps twice a day)per doctors orders. It helps your body be more sensitive to insulin, to use it better, etc. We also take Vit. D as we were tested and were very low. Fish oil in the evenings. We take prescription Metformin, which is an oral diabetes medication, which also works to help your body make the most of the insulin you do have, which helps stabilize your blood sugars. Plus a good multi-vitamin. I think that rounds it out.
Okay, so you say that most of your essential vitamins etc can be found in vegetables, etc, and not necessarily in fruit, which I believe. Actually I hardly eat any fruit right now as it is, but try to keep up with my multivitamins as best I can. So, do you have to make sure you eat enough of a certain kinds of food, or is just making sure you're not just eating bacon all day every day good enough?
You have to eat adaquate amounts of protein and fats (good fats, real butter, olive oil, cream, etc.) each day. I would guess that adding any of the low carb veggies (NO corn, peas, beets, cooked carrots, very small amount of raw carrots if you have to) each day or a salad will cover your needs. And, if you are taking vitamins that should help cover any you aren't getting enough of. From what I have read, vit. A and all the B's, C and D are really important and will help you absorb what you need from your food best if you are getting those in.
Besides, you would get sick of eating only bacon everyday! LOL!
Reading about salads is making me crave Sweet Tomato! minus the croutons and the muffins, I suppose. :( Ty is adamant that he will NEVER EVER EVER EVER go low carb, and though I'd like to be healthier I can't bear the thought of giving up POPCORN and COLA! Those are my kryptonite.
Ty hates doctors too, so I doubt I'll ever get him anywhere near a place to get his blood tested or try to get him convinced that a lifestyle change is needed. The only solution I can see is that I'll have to buckledown to going at least SEMI-low carb, and just cook that way. Ha! Sneak attack!
Semi low carb is better than nothing! Even if you HAVE to have popcorn and cola, can you limit those (measure two cups of pop corn, one soda a day, etc.)and figure out what you will not eat that is high carb and also limit or cut down your total carb count per day? For instance, Dr. B says 30 carbs a day for blood sugar control, while the book/author "Life Without Bread" allows 72 carbs a day (I have this book and you can borrow it if you want - it might be an easier step for you to try). Decide where you want to be and how you are going to do it. Having a plan is half the battle.
You could also start by just eliminating one high carb food from your life each week or two. Decide if it is something easy to just get rid of (say bagels - they are super high carb!) or something you also need to find a substitute for. A good example is tortillas. You may not want to cut them completely out, but use low carb ones instead.
If you are going to eat popcorn, think about making air or oil popped. Micro popcorn is loaded with the really BAD dietary fats. With oil cooked you can pick a good oil (olive, butter, etc.) to cook it in. With air popped (which I think is by far easier than oil cooked) just melt some butter and pour it on after it is popped and salt to taste. Yummy! I'm in the market for an air popper myself as one of the things I am trying to change for the kids is eliminating micro popcorn.
A good experiment is to try to keep track of your usual carb intake for a day. I would guess my "before" diet would have been 200+ carbs a day. Any consistent reduction (reduce by 25% or more, the more the more weight loss more quickly) is going to benefit you. Consistency is key though, as if you eat 30 carbs one day and 300 the next your not going to lose weight. Better to eat 120 carb every day and after you are use to that go down more if you haven't lost the weight you want to lose, etc.
Don't worry about Ty. What he puts in his mouth is his choice. Be respectful of him in all things. What you put in your mouth, though, is your choice. It isn't hard to adapt some meals to work for both of you. Plus, make some things that he might like to try and see if he doesn't just want to eat those with you, ya know.
It is very much like the verse in the Bible about women being able to win their unsaved husbands to the Lord by how they behave, their attitude and respecting their man! It is a sweet aroma to these guys and they eventually want to know more about what makes their wife treat them so nice! Same here. You don't have to make a big deal about it, do your part in a meek and quiet way, and let your health and weight loss (which speak for themselves) win those carb loving guys over. (Gail is in the same boat) If they never choose to join you, that is okay too. As wives we aren't here to be our husbands conscience. Pray he will want to join you, but in the meantime, do it for yourself.
Great advice Jer!
I would kill for a Coke a day!
John has started drinking Pepsi One. I can handle one sip of it that tastes okay, but anything more is horrid to me! I just hate the artifial sweetner taste that everything that claims to be NoSugar has. Yuck!
Great advice Jer!
I would kill for a Coke a day!
John has started drinking Pepsi One. I can handle one sip of it that tastes okay, but anything more is horrid to me! I just hate the artifial sweetner taste that everything that claims to be NoSugar has. Yuck!
The taste of the diet sodas may something you just need to get used to. I never used to like them. I thought they were aweful! Now, it is the only kind of soda I drink. Once you're used to to the diet, the regular coke tastes horrible. Then again, some people never can adjust to the diet taste.
Just wondered if anyone has made mashed potatoes from cauliflower? I'm trying it tonite and wanted any advice someone might have. Also, will it reheat in micro. like m.p. will?
We tried spaghetti squash (in lieu of noodles) last night-terrific!
Well, I've answered my own question:
cauliflower doesn't taste much like potato! Actually, it was quite edible, especially with cream cheese mixed into it. It was too runny for us; just not the texture of mashed potatoes. (I used Dana Carpender's recipe, btw.)
I made the faux potatoes for the first time last week. They weren't bad, but I found they were better when I mixed a bite of them with the ham we were having. I didn't use anyones exact recipe. I steamed the cauliflower (and it was frozen cauli to start with) till it was pretty soft. Then I blended it was a hand mixer and added butter, sour cream, salt and pepper. Tasting it by itself tasted too much like cauli to me. I did read later that to avoid the strong flavors of either broccoli or cauli you should only steam it till it just starts to get soft, that the longer it cooks the stronger the flavor gets. I'll try that next time, but I wonder if it will be soft enough that way to make the potato like texture (which when I made it was pretty good, not as fluffy as real potatoes though).
Here is an interesting article by my favorite low carb cook, Dana Carpender, about ketatoes and faux potatoes: http://www.holdthetoast.com/httblog/archives/000195.html
Thanks Jerri. I may try again... Dana's recipe said to simmer the cauli in 1/3 C. cream and water. Then drain all the liquid off. I may not have drained it well enough.
Has anyone seen Dana C's 2006 book: Calories Count? Would appreciate opinions/comments before I buy it...
I have that book, in fact JH has it right now, but I don't recommend it for low carbing. It was recommended to me to help with recipes for the kids, but it isn't low enough carb for David and I, so why bother? I do highly recommend her 500 More Low Carb Recipes. The three I own are the original 500 recipes, the 15 min. low carb recipes and the 500 More books. I also have her slow cooker one from the library right now, but so far, and I only looked through maybe half of it yesterday, it isn't one I will buy.
Thanks Jerri, just the info I needed.I got the 500 More... book that you suggested, and think it's just great! I'll stick with it! And I will use your links whenever I can.
New question: How has the "diet" worked with high colesterol (sp)? My hubby is afraid to go to doctor because he fears his will be through the roof!
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